Anubias Nana Hastifolia

(1 customer review)

$29.99 inc. tax

Plant info

Type: Rhizomatous
Origin: West Africa
Growth rate: Slow
Height: 20 – 40cm
Light demand: Low – Moderate
CO2 : Low


Get excellent value with a full fresh tissue culture cup of Anubias Hastifolia – Algae, Snail & Pest free! Each cup contains anywhere from 3 – 6 plantlets. This rare plant has not been sighted in New Zealand for years, making it a true gem for aquascaping enthusiasts.

Learn how to grow Anubias plants with this guide from The 2HR Aquarist.

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Anubias Nana Hastifolia

Discover the captivating beauty of Anubias Hastifolia, a stunning aquatic plant native to West Africa that has been virtually unseen in New Zealand for years. With its unique arrow-shaped leaves and robust growth, this tissue culture plant is a must-have for any aquascaper looking to create a lush and vibrant underwater landscape while adding a touch of rarity to their collection.

Cultivated with precision in a controlled laboratory environment, Anubias Hastifolia tissue culture plants are guaranteed to be free from pests, algae, and diseases. This ensures that you receive a healthy and thriving plant, ready to beautify your aquarium from the moment it arrives.

Anubias Hastifolia is a versatile plant that can be easily attached to driftwood or rocks, creating a natural and visually appealing display. Its slow growth rate and low to moderate light requirements make it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists alike. To achieve optimal growth, position your Anubias Hastifolia in an area with moderate lighting and ensure that the rhizome is not completely submerged in the substrate. This plant can benefit from occasional fertilization and CO2 supplementation, but it is not essential for its survival.

Propagating Anubias Hastifolia is a simple process – simply cut the rhizome to create new plantlets. With its easy care requirements and stunning appearance, this plant is a fantastic addition to any aquascape.

Check out this article from The 2HR Aquarist on how to grow Anubias species.

Not all plants are equal. We work really hard to make sure you get the best quality plants at the best prices. Tissue Culture plants are snail free, algae free and in great health. Tissue culture plants can vary in quantity and size. Tissue culture plants will continue to grow in their cups until the nutrients within the media is completely exhausted. Store in a cool and clean area if you do not intend to plant immediately. Plant immediately once opened. Please refer to our guide on tissue culture plants.

We recommend the usage of a 2HR Aquarist Fertilizer with all our aquarium plants for the best growth, colouration and plant health.

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 7 cm

1 review for Anubias Nana Hastifolia

  1. Kwebb (verified owner)

    Great healthy plants, arrived quickly and always love the tissue cultures I’ve got through aqua scape shop

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